To Veil or Not to Veil: That is the Question

Photo Credit: Parsell Photography

Photo Credit: Parsell Photography

OK, brides... you've got your dress, jewelry and other accessories picked out for your big day. There's one last thing you need to make a decision on: To Veil or Not to Veil? There are just a few things to consider:

  • First, is your wedding indoors our outdoors? If it's outdoors, consider how the wind may play into effect. The last thing you need is your veil blowing across your face and all over during your ceremony (yikes!).
  • Consider the overall look. Do you absolutely need a veil to complete "the look" you're going for? Or, do you simply not feel like a bride without a veil? When I myself was getting married, I tried on a few veils and in general it just "wasn't me" so I opted out. Not only did I save some money here, but my wedding was also outside (on the beach) so the last thing I needed was the veil flying around like crazy as I said my vows! Instead, I purchased a cute, beaded/pearl headband from Etsy and wore that -- now that was more my style.

Veils come in a variety of options. From birdcage to cathedral style veils, there may be an option for you -- or you can just opt out like I did and search for a headband or something similar. Also, veils don't have to cost you a fortune. Check out Etsy as they tend to have a wide variety at reasonable prices!

XO, Melody

Melody Hall